ISO/IEC 27001 Consulting Experts | ANAB Notice
ISO/IEC Experts | ANAB Notice
MorganHIll has PURPOSELY chosen not to become an ANAB-accredited ISO/IEC certification body in North America (NA) or anywhere else in the world for three primary reasons.
- First - and foremost - the true heavy lifting and expertise for ISO/IEC certifications are needed in the pre-cert phases - specifically - in performing gap assessments, defining scope, developing all required documentation, drafting a Statement of Applicability (SoA), building a continuous monitoring program, and so much more when it comes to ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 22301, and ISO 27701. While the actual ISO/IEC certification audit is important, it’s not where the real work is done. To be clear, getting it right in terms of earning ISO/IEC certification means proper planning and execution in the pre-cert phases.
And to be transparent, per the ANAB, “Consulting or offering solutions is not allowed by a Certification Body and those services must be legally separated. It is a requirement of ISO/IEC 17021-1 (see Section 5 Impartiality) that a Certification Body or any part of its legal entity does not provide any type of management systems consultancy.” Other standards bodies around the world also prohibit and/or do not recommend using a Certification Body for all services.
- Second, it’s important to have auditor independence between the pre-cert phases and the actual certification audit. Having an ANAB-accredited ISO/IEC body - or any other Certification Body around the globe - do everything - from a gap assessment, to remediation, and then the audit - is not recommended, in fact, it’s not allowed.
- And third, when you work with MorganHill, we can obtain the best auditor in terms of pricing and fit for your organization through our ISO/IEC RFP services. There are dozens of ANAB-accredited certification bodies and picking the wrong one can create immense challenges. We’ve worked with almost every ANAB-accredited ISO certification body in North America - and many them in Europe, Asia, and Africa - so we know the firms and how they work. When it comes to industry expertise, turn to MorganHill for ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 22301, and ISO 27701.
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